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Terms Of Service

Thank you for visiting MOVE&JOY!


This page states the terms of use (“Terms”) under which you may use the MOVE&JOY website (the “Website”) and any related MOVE&JOY software (the “Software”) or service (collectively, the “Service”) made available by MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd. and its subsidiaries, representatives and affiliates (collectively, “MOVE&JOY”, “we”, “us” or “our”).


By accessing or using the Service, you signify your agreement to be bound by these Terms and you further agree that you are governed by the terms and conditions and privacy policy of MOVE&JOY which are available at (the “Privacy Policy”) and (the “Terms of Service”) respectively. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use the Service. 


MOVE&JOY provides you with a unique cycling experience in Singapore. The Service allows users to navigate to their desired locations and take part in gamified geo-location challenges. Cyclists and users can report incidents on roads, park connectors, cycling pathways and walkways to provide live updates on the MOVE&JOY app (“Application”) to reflect conditions and occurrences, such as bike accidents and wild-life to alert other MOVE&JOY users and cyclists. At the same time, users and cyclists get to interact with rewards via Joy Beacons (the location-based AR gamification at various locations found in the Application, hereafter referred as “Joy Beacon”), Joy Stops (directory of participating offline retail partners, hereafter referred to as “Joy Stops”) and J-Coins (virtual coins created by MOVE&JOY and for the use on Application, hereafter referred to as “J-Coins”). 


The Service may only be used for your private and personal purposes and only as expressly permitted by these Terms. 

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, MOVE&JOY grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, license to use the Service for non-commercial purposes. 

Except to the extent such activities are expressly agreed upon by MOVE&JOY, the users’ rights to benefit from the Service do not permit it, or the users, to: 

  1. copy, cut and paste, email, reproduce, publish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, transmit, modify, adapt, edit, abstract, create derivative works of, store, archive, publicly display, sell or in any way commercially exploit any part of the Service;

  2. use the Service to provide outsourced services to third parties or make it available to any third party or allow or permit a third party to do so;

  3. combine, merge or otherwise permit the Service (or any part of it) to become incorporated in any other program, nor arrange or create derivative works based on it;

  4. attempt to decompile the Computer Program (or any part of it) that is used to provide the Service, except and only to the extent that such restriction is prohibited pursuant to section 39A of the Copyright Act (Cap 63); and 

  5. to observe, study or test the functioning of the Computer Program (or any part of it) that is used to provide the Service, except and only to the extent that such restriction is prohibited pursuant to section 39B of the Copyright Act (Cap 63).


The Service allows all users of the Service to submit and post information and content to other users (“Content”) through the ‘Reporting’ button and to comment in the Discover section’s Newsfeed. Content is separate from third party sponsored advertisements that may appear on the Service from time to time. 

Content may include map updates, incident reporting, biking accidents, photos of users and scenic locations, recommendations for products, services, businesses, or comments on Newsfeed articles in the Discover section of the Application. 

You assume sole responsibility for any Content you post, and will be held liable for any consequences resulting from any Content you post. Always ride vigilantly according to route conditions and in accordance with traffic laws and the Active Mobility Act 2017 (No.3 of 2017). It is strictly forbidden to send any content -– including incident reports (such as updates on biking accidents, fallen trees, potholes or wild-life) -– while riding. Your incident report submissions may only be sent after you have stopped your active mobility mode in an appropriate location permitted by law. 

Content submitted by users for publication do not reflect the views of MOVE&JOY. MOVE&JOY does not warrant or represent as to the validity, reliability, accuracy or legality of the Content made available on the Service by users.


When you are using our Service, you should note that MOVE&JOY will not permit certain prohibited conduct. Please read the following restrictions carefully. Any breach on the restrictions as set out below may result (at MOVE&JOY’s sole discretion) in the termination of your access to the Service and you may be exposed to civil and/or criminal liability.

You may not, whether yourself or through any other means or person:

  1. frame or mirror any part of the Service and/or Site without MOVE&JOY’s prior express written consent;

  2. introduce any code or device intended to interfere with or having the effect of interfering adversely with, the operation of any hardware or software, including any bugs, worms, logic bombs, trojan horses, viruses or any other self-propagating or other such program that may infect or cause damage to the Service or MOVE&JOY’s systems or otherwise disrupt the provision of the Service;

  3. create, store, access, transfer to any third party or otherwise distribute any material which:

  4. is unlawful;

  5. is or contains material which is harmful, obscene, defamatory, infringes any third party’s rights including any third party’s intellectual property rights;

  6. is or contains material which is of a harassing or offensive nature;

  7. contains sexually explicit or other offensive material;

  8. promotes the use of unlawful violence against a person or property; or

  9. is or contains material which is discriminatory based on race, origin, belief, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, age or any other illegal category.

  10. copy, modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any portion of the Content included in the Service, or in any way or publicly display, perform, or distribute them;

  11. make any use of the Content on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose, or replicate or copy the Content without MOVE&JOY's prior written consent;

  12. create a browser or border environment around the Content;

  13. interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Service and/or Website, or the servers or networks that host the Service and/or Website or make the Service and/or Website available, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of such servers or networks;

  14. sell, license, or exploit for any commercial purposes any use of or access to the Content and/or the Service and/or Website;

  15. create a database by systematically downloading and storing all or any of the Content from the Service and/or Website;

  16. forward any data generated from the Service and/or Website without the prior written consent of MOVE&JOY;

  17. transfer or assign your Service accounts’ password, even temporarily, to a third party;

  18. use the Service and/or Website for any illegal, immoral or unauthorized purpose;

  19. use the Website, the Service, or the Content for non-personal or commercial purposes without MOVE&JOY's express prior written consent; or

  20. infringe or violate any of these Terms.



You are prohibited from submitting any Content of commercial nature or purpose (including advertising), unless such posts pertain to MOVE&JOY or the Service, and such Content strictly complies with these Terms.

MOVE&JOY reserves the right to monitor usage of the Service by users (by way of audits or otherwise) during the term of this Agreement for the purpose of, inter alia, ensuring compliance with the terms of this Agreement. MOVE&JOY reserves the right to, without prior notification:

  1. deny your access to the Service;

  2. terminate your account with the Service;

  3. delete any Content you make available on the Service; or 

  4. prevent you from posting additional Content on the Service. 

The provisions of this clause are made in addition to any rights afforded to MOVE&JOY  by any law.



When you submit Content to be published on the Service, you represent and warrant that:

  1. you own the necessary rights, authority and/or permission to make available on the Service the Content published by you, and to grant licenses for the use of such Content by MOVE&JOY;

  2. if the Content contains any personal data of any third party, you have obtained the necessary valid consent of such third party to make available such third party’s personal data on the Service, as well as for the collection, use and disclosure of such third party’s personal data by MOVE&JOY in accordance with these Terms;

  3. all Content made available by you on the Service does infringe any intellectual property rights or proprietary rights owned by any third party;

  4. when you make available any Content to MOVE&JOY or on the Service, you grant MOVE&JOY a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free license to use, copy, distribute, store, download, print, display in public, publish, post, communicate, modify, edit, translate, adapt or prepare derivative works of the Content; and 

  5. you acknowledge that notwithstanding the provisions of these terms, MOVE&JOY  does not supervise or monitor or have any control over the Content made available by you to the Service, and any other user’s subsequent use of access of the Content from the Service. 


MOVE&JOY reserves the right to examine all Content before or after being made available on the Service and prevent the publication of inappropriate or erroneous Content, or remove such Content after it is made available by a user on the Service. 

MOVE&JOY retains sole discretion in determining the duration of Content publication, location information, how and when Content appears on the Service, the design and any other matter pertaining to the publication of Content within the Service. MOVE&JOY does not guarantee that all Content will be published, in general or for any limited time.


You may terminate your use of the Service at any time and for whatever reason. You are not obligated to advise MOVE&JOY of such termination. However, if you would also like for MOVE&JOY to delete your MOVE&JOY account and your personal information contained in the account, please contact

Upon receiving such a request, MOVE&JOY will use reasonable efforts to delete such information, however, please note that information may not be deleted immediately from our back-up systems. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

MOVE&JOY retains the right to block your access to the Service and discontinue your use of the Service, at any time and for any reason MOVE&JOY deems appropriate, at its sole and absolute discretion.


All intellectual property in and to the Website, the Service and its database, and to MOVE&JOY are protected by copyright, trade marks, and other forms of intellectual property rights. The title to, rights and interest in the intellectual property of MOVE&JOY  shall remain vested in MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd and MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd’s third party licensors (where relevant). 

“MOVE&JOY", the MOVE&JOY logo, MOVE&JOY logo and other trade marks are the property of MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd or its affiliates and you may not use such logos or marks for any purpose that is not expressly authorized in these Terms without the prior written consent of MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd.

Without derogating from MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd’s rights under these Terms or under any applicable law, you are advised that any attempted or actual infringement of the intellectual property of MOVE&JOY Pte Ltd will result in the termination of all your rights under these Terms. Failure to comply with these Terms may result in us taking the necessary actions that we reasonably deem appropriate.


If you use the Service on an Apple device, then you agree and acknowledge that:

  1. Apple, Inc. bears no duties or obligations to you under the Terms, including, but not limited to, any obligation to furnish you with Service maintenance and support;

  2. You will have no claims, and you waive any and all rights and causes of action against Apple with respect to the Service or the Terms, including, but not limited to claims related to maintenance and support, intellectual property infringement, liability, consumer protection, or regulatory or legal conformance;

  3. Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of the Terms. Upon your acceptance of the Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.


MOVE&JOY provides the Service and Content on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not make any representations or warranties whatsoever and hereby disclaim all warranties and representations, either express or implied, with respect to the Service, including without limitation, any representation or warranties:

  1. as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, current-ness, availability, quality or fitness for any particular purpose of the Content of this Service; and 

  2. that the Content available through this Service or any functions associated therewith will be available without interruption or delay or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that this Website and the server will be free of all bugs, viruses and/or other harmful elements. 

Additionally, and without derogating from the above clause, MOVE&JOY disclaims any warranties relating to the accuracy of the maps, Content, cycling route conditions, traffic directions, or navigation routes presented or displayed in or by the Service. 

Your use of the Service or reliance on the Content as made available by other users on the Service is done at your own risk. You further acknowledge that it is your responsibility to comply with all applicable laws while using the service. The information provided by the service is not intended to replace the live updates and information presented on the road and cycling routes. In the event that the information presented on the road or cycling routes instructs differently than the Service, you must not rely on the Service.

MOVE&JOY does not make any representations or warranties that the Service will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner, or that it will always be available or free from all harmful components, or that it is safe, secured from unauthorized access to MOVE&JOY's computers, immune from damages, free of malfunctions, bugs or failures, including, but not limited to hardware failures, Software failures and Software communication failures, originating either in MOVE&JOY or any of its providers.

MOVE&JOY shall not be liable to you or any third party for any damage or loss, including without limitation to direct, indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages, loss of goodwill, loss of business resources, income, revenue or profits, lost or damaged data, or damage to your computer or computing or mobile device, software, modem, telephone or other property, arising directly or indirectly from your reliance on the content of the Service, including, without limitation, content originating from third parties, or from any communication with the service, or with other users on or through the service, or from any denial or cancellation of your user account, or from retention, deletion, disclosure and any other use or loss of your content on the Service. 


Our Service and/or Website may contain third party content, including but not limited to comments and articles posted by third parties, the content of the advertisements posted by third parties, apps posted by third parties and content accessed through such apps. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any third party content on our Service and Website or your access or use of any third party content on our Service and Website.


We work with various partners, merchants and vendors to give you a fun and unique riding experience with MOVE&JOY. For that, our Service may include commercial information or advertisements (for example, pins indicating the locations of certain establishments, their commercial offers, coupons, etc (“Ads”) that may be displayed on the Service from time to time that are produced by MOVE&JOY team and third parties. The Ads displayed on the Service do not constitute a recommendation or representation of MOVE&JOY’s views as to the goods or services as advertised.

MOVE&JOY  cannot and does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of Ads produced by a third party. MOVE&JOY  does not endorse the content of third party Ads. MOVE&JOY  will also not be liable for any form of liability arising from your interaction with the Ads posted on the Service.

MOVE&JOY  will not be liable for any form of liability arising from your reliance on, or in connection with, the content of any information, goods or services not provided by MOVE&JOY, including without limitation its completeness, accuracy, correctness or it being up-to-date. MOVE&JOY will not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind caused as a result (direct or indirect) of the use of the Service, including without limitation any damage or loss suffered as a result of reliance on the content of goods or services you have accessed via Ads or other links on the Service.

Do not view or click on any ads while operating in active mobility mode. You alone are responsible for riding responsibly, and you acknowledge and agree that in the event that you violate the foregoing provision, the third party advertisers will not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind arising from, or in connection with the display of the ads on the service or your viewing of the ads on the service.


You agree to indemnify MOVE&JOY and hold harmless MOVE&JOY and its employees, officers, directors and agents, as well as all third party advertisers of the Ads from and against all claims, damages, costs, expenses, losses and liabilities (including but not limited to legal costs and expenses on a full indemnity basis) that arise directly or indirectly as a result from:

  1. your access to and use of the Content and Service;

  2. any claim by any third party that its intellectual property rights has been infringed as a result from your use of the Content and Service;

  3. any claim by any third party that any provision of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (Act 26 of 2012) has been contravened in respect of personal data resulting from your use of the Content and Service; and

  4. any your violation of these Terms. 


MOVE&JOY respects your privacy. Our updated privacy policy pertaining to the Software and the Service is accessible at our Privacy Policy and is an integral part of these Terms. The Privacy Policy elaborates our practices and protocols in relation to the use of your personal information and other relevant information and is updated periodically, we recommend you review the Privacy Policy regularly for updates. By accepting these Terms, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the collection, storage and use of your personal information by MOVE&JOY, subject to this section, the Privacy Policy and any applicable laws and regulation of Singapore.


MOVE&JOY may make changes to these Terms from time to time. If MOVE&JOY  makes changes, it will provide you with notice of such changes, such as by sending an email, providing a notice through the Service, or updating the date at the bottom of these Terms. Unless MOVE&JOY  says otherwise in its notice, the amended Terms will be effective immediately and your continued access to and use of the Service after MOVE&JOY  provides such notice will confirm your acceptance of the changes. If you do not agree to the amended Terms, you must stop accessing and using the Service.

We recommend that you review the Terms periodically for updates.



MOVE&JOY  may at its own discretion and without providing prior notice, modify, adapt or change the Software, the Service’s features, the user interface and design, the extent and availability of the Content in the Service and any other aspect related to the Service. You shall have no claim, complaint, or demand against MOVE&JOY for effecting such changes or for failures incidental to such changes.



MOVE&JOY  agrees to provide customer service support to the users of the Service who have issues in relation to the software technical issues and troubleshoots. Users may launch an online chat on the Application or email to for any customer service support.

You should, at all times, be respectful towards our customer service personnel who is attending to you. Any discriminatory remarks and disrespectful conducts are strictly prohibited. MOVE&JOY has the right to report such misconducts to the police or relevant authorities. 


MOVE&JOY may at its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason, terminate the provision of the Service and deny your access to the Service, temporarily or permanently. 


Your rights in and to the Service shall not be transferred or assigned, without the prior written consent of MOVE&JOY. MOVE&JOY may assign its rights in and to the Service to a third party at its sole and absolute discretion, provided that the third party undertakes MOVE&JOY’s obligations to you under these Terms.


J-Coins are earned by the user for every kilometer cycled in Event mode or Map mode and duly recorded using the MOVE&JOY app. 

These J-Coins have no monetary value and do not constitute as the real currency of Singapore. The J-Coins will then be exchanged for discount vouchers for users to spend at J-Shops. The value of each J-Coin is subject to change and is at the discretion of MOVE&JOY. Discount vouchers/ J-Coins must be used within the stipulated time frame.


J-Shops is a service on MOVE&JOY where registered user(s) (the “Buyer”) can redeem discount vouchers using J-Coins and purchase items from participating vendors and partners (“Seller”) that have been carefully selected by MOVE&JOY.


Once an item has been selected by the Buyer and the discount voucher been applied, the item will be deemed as a “discounted order”. A unique QR code will provided in-app to the Buyer for redemption at the Seller’s retail outlet.


The Buyer will need to produce this QR code to the Seller when collecting and paying for the “discounted order”.

Other than for items sold by MOVE&JOY’s Official J-Shops, all “discounted orders” on J-Shops must be paid to the Seller and collected at the Seller’s retail outlets at the discounted price, unless otherwise stated by the Seller.


MOVE&JOY cannot guarantee that the Seller will be able to deliver the exact item even though a “discounted order” has been made. 

Should a Seller fail to deliver an item at “discounted order” price, Buyer should NOT proceed with the sale and inform MOVE&JOY whereupon the discount voucher will be returned to the user and stored in-app.


MOVE&JOY is not liable for any failed transactions between Buyer and Seller. 

If you are a Buyer, you will be deemed to have consented to the terms and conditions described in these Terms when you make a “discounted order” on J-Shops.

Similarly, if you are a Seller, you will be deemed to have consented to the terms and conditions described in these Terms by your continued participation in J-Shops. 

All terms and conditions described in these Terms are subject to change at MOVE&JOY’s discretion.

For MOVE&JOY's Official J-Shops, purchases can be made in-app and MOVE&JOY will deliver items as stated online. 

J-Shops Refunds and Return Policy

MOVE&JOY is not responsible for any refunds, exchange or return of items purchased from the Seller on J-Shops. The Buyer should refer to the Seller’s return and refund policies directly. The Buyer is responsible to check with the Seller before making any purchases.

For MOVE&JOY’s Official J-Shop items, we will allow for exchanges within fifteen (15) days of purchase provided that the item is in good condition.

MOVE&JOY reserves the right to terminate a Buyer’s access to J-Shops if it suspects the Buyer is abusing the Refunds and Return Policy of any Seller.

J-Shop Seller Terms and Conditions

J-Shop Sellers shall receive a separate written notification from MOVE&JOY confirming your participation in J-Shops. If you do not wish to participate in J-Shops, you may inform us in writing; otherwise, you will be deemed to have elected to continue your participation in J-Shops and shall have consented to the terms and conditions set out in these Terms. MOVE&JOY may, at any time and at its sole discretion, suspend or remove any Seller from the J-Shops program.

Each J-Shops Seller warrants that the items it offers on J-Shops and actually collected by or delivered to a Buyer (a) complies with (i) applicable law and (ii) the specifications and descriptions listed (and made available to the Buyer) on the Service, and (b) will be in good condition and free from defects. 

Each J-Shop Seller understands and agrees that it will be responsible for any non-conformity or defect in, or any public or private recall of, any items it offers, and will hold MOVE&JOY harmless from any losses relating to the foregoing.


These Terms, the Privacy Policy, and the End User Agreement shall together constitute the entire and complete agreement between you and MOVE&JOY concerning the Service. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and the summary of terms presented to the user during Software installation, these Terms shall prevail.


These Terms and your use of the Service, including the submission of Content onto the Service, do not, and shall not be construed as creating any relationship, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency, or franchisor-franchisee relationship in any way and of any kind between the parties hereto. Your use of the Service is intended for your enjoyment and benefit and the provision of the Service to you (subject to your compliance with these Terms) constitutes the sole and sufficient consideration that you are entitled to receive for any Content or other contributions you have made to the Service, its contents, maps and any other data.

A person or entity who is not a party to this agreement shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any term of the Terms regardless whether such person or entity has been identified by name, as a member of a class or as answering a particular description, nor is it intended that such person or entity not party to the Terms shall have any right to do so.


Any cause of action against MOVE&JOY, arising out of or in relation to the Service must be raised within one (1) year of the day you become aware of the cause of action. Failure to file a lawsuit within the aforementioned timeframe will bring about the permanent barring of the cause of action, and will constitute your complete and final waiving of the lawsuit.


These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore and you hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.


You may contact us concerning any question about the Service, through the channels listed on the “Profile” menu in the Software or through the “Contact Us” page. We will make our best efforts to address your inquiry promptly.

Last updated: 10 January 2022

Understanding Our Terms & Conditions

Key Elements of Our Terms & Conditions

Our terms and conditions cover various aspects, including user eligibility, payment methods, future service updates, warranties, intellectual property rights, account suspension or termination, and more. For detailed insights into our terms and conditions, we encourage you to review the complete document.

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